How Can I Benefit From Owning A Premium Domain Name, Right Now? (Tired of reading? Here’s the infographic.)
The Easiest Ways To Benefit:
- Forward or redirect it to your existing website: When someone types your domain in the address bar they will end up at your current website. This method allows you to point multiple domain names to the same website.
This can be done with or without masking:
When masked: The address bar will display your new domain name.
Without masking: Your visitor will see your site’s original domain name in the address bar.
Simple instructions for domains registered at GoDaddy can be found here:
- Use your domain name as your email address: Research has shown that businesses look more established and professional if they do not use a Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail email account and instead use: you
A how to video and simple instructions for domains registered at GoDaddy can be found here:
To manage multiple personal and/or business email accounts from one simple interface we recommend the use of Microsoft Outlook.
*You are not required to have a website to utilize your domain name for your email address.
- Use the domain on advertising: Using your domain name on applicable marketing materials, social networking, Google AdWords campaigns, business cards, signs, etc., will not only help you get the most out of it but will also benefit you from a branding perspective.
- Find investors or strategic partners more easily: A great domain can significantly increase the odds of securing capital or forming strategic partnerships. Who would you prefer to partner with or fund: or Ideas need both people and capital to flourish. A fantastic domain will attract both.
- Or, do nothing with the domain for now: A premium domain is an asset that will likely continue to appreciate over time and can later be resold if necessary. Your business is considerably more valuable just by owning highly relevant exact match domains like:, and/or, etc. Regardless of whether you use your domain or not, you are assuring that your competitors are not using it against you.
Short And Long Term Benefits Of A Premium Domain:
- As a redirect to your existing site: The easiest way to use a premium domain is to use a redirect or forward to drive direct navigation traffic to your existing site from one or more relevant domains. When the domain is entered into the address bar a user will end up at whatever site you choose. This traffic will be less than search engine traffic but will be highly targeted.
- As a small site: Another easy way to use a premium domain is to develop a small website, blog, or sales channel for your product or service with some relevant content related to the domain and your main business and reciprocate links between the two sites. Link building can significantly increase search engine rankings and a mini site can still rank very high in search engines even though it’s not a full niche website.
- As a full niche website: By moving your existing site to your new domain or by creating a new fully developed website with unique and relevant content and proper search engine optimization (SEO) you can take complete advantage of your domain. Links can still be exchanged between your sites, visitors are more likely to become repeat visitors and you can reap the full benefits of excellent search engine placement.